What can I not say about this movie hah. A hot shot ex agent for the governmeny, comes back to the force because his arch enemy is back. Even not knowing the actor that plaed MacGruber from previous movies i still found this to be extremely funny because of its random action scenes and its false informatino that is given out by MacGruber. The movie starts ot with us thinking that he is some kind of epic hero, but we alter find out that this is far from the truth he seems to get credit for things that were not entirely his doing and he has very akward ways of completeing his missions. One of the wierdest being the naked celery in the anus trick. This is hilarious to see on the big screen but everyone was really surprised at what he did with it. This was ana epic moment in the theater when everyone thought he was about to do something really crazy, but then he pop souts naked with it in his butt. REALLY??? what kind of crazyness is this? Yet it seemed to work for him because it distracted the gaurd, though realistically i would have been distracted to, like really when will you ever see someone doing that in a military base? Another of my favorite twists is a classic one that comes when Macgruber agrees to assemble his own team to take on this mission. He gets together the scariest looking team ever. He gathers up those guys who by lookng at them could all bench like 700 pounds each and probably where all like 6'5, like really he has the dream team. Yet this seems to perfect and like i though it would happen that team isnt staying together hah.... Just it got ended in a really surprising way. It surprised not only me but most other people in the theater, there was one of those classic jerry Awws, when they all got blown up in the van as MacGruber is bragging that he packed the car with C4. He is then forced to go with the second choice of the cadet and this girl that he will soon fall in love with, what a surprise. This movie is more of a guy movie in the end thought.
Idk how to really explain it, just one of those movies that guys find hilarious and girls think is dumb. But back to the movie, one of the funnier parts is that MacBruber doesnt use guns...later we find out its because he doesnt know how to hah. Such a simple thing point and shoot, yet he never quiet got it i guess. When he is taught how though he goes crazy. Once again this was a very audience interacting movie because once again people started laughing hisarically. Suh a simple dilema that was brought up yet it was extremely funny. In the end thoguh this movie was a classic parody, it made fun of MacGiver, which was an American classic. This movie was intened to be have MacGruber be an American hero and he was to the publc, but watching the movie you clearly see that he isnt that amazing.
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