Well my name is Matt I'm a sophomore at college and I'm new to blogging, however I feel that I can set a strong foot hold into it with the instruction of my new writing teacher. Well more or less I’m going to try and incorporate my personality into this piece, probably not going to go to well. My blog is going to be about comedy movies. A topic that I feel fits me well because it’s my favorite kind of movie :D. I always love to watch them because laughing is fun and if anyone says no to that they are lying to themselves. I’m generally a person that is smiling about 99% of the time so I like to watch things that keep me smiling. At the same time though I look for something that is a good too. So I chose to write about movies go figure I picked an easy one. Through this blog I’m going to write about movies I have seen or want to see coming out in the future, I’ll be putting my own twist into this blog though by putting into place my views of what was/will be good/bad. But back to the back story of the blog…the about me…. Well I got interested in comedy movies quickly as I find them extremely entertaining. They are movies that fit my tastes because they have real regular moments usually and then they swap to something crazy happening. I find comedy movies to be fun because they bring fourth situations that normally you would see every once in a while, but in a comedy they stock pile them into about 1-2 hours of viewing. To me this is one of the better types of movies because after watching a good comedy I can always relate it to real life somehow. The crazy things that happen in the movies you sometimes see in real life, then when they happen it reminds you of the movie and you laugh more. Comedy is all around and it’s even better when you can relate it to another comedic moment in your life. I’ve like comedy movies ever since I was little and I continue to like them today. Comedy movies are something that will never get old to me because they always change. This is another thing I like about comedy movies they change as you get older, the humor change to what the generation finds to be funny. To think it all started with my grandfather sitting me down while he was watching the 3 stooges. After that moment I like to watch comedy as much as I could. Some simple family bonding had turned into something that I will remember forever because I’d been shown something that I liked. Personally I try to watch comedy movies at least once a week, assuming I don’t have school work to do >.> . Not only do I just like to watch them it gives me something to do during my free time between classes. This is good because I have those moments in my day where I have like an hour free so I don’t really have much time to do anything else. This will help me to write on this blog a lot better as well because I have I will have some recent examples of movies that I have watched and they will be fresh on my memory. This blog is going to be a successful one for sure, but I’m going to have to work at it. Ill choose my comedies wisely because some are good and some are bad.
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