Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World....Well Just 7 Crazy Exes

The League of Seven Deadly Exs
This is probably one of my favorite movies that came out this year because it turns real life into a video game.  This movie takes a common problem of a college kid who cant find a proper girl friend that he loves and they make it extremely complicated.  He starts off going out with a girl who is far younger than him and he likes her alot....until he meets Ramona.  Doesnt this seem to happen to everyone??? Like really once you finally decide to go out with someone you find either another girl you think is cute or you find out that someone else ou liked also lieks you.  I swear to girls its a time bomb they all go after you once you finally are taken away. Then this story takes a crazy twist because it gets away from reality and it starts to head into the video game/comic world.  A quick overlay of the situation is that Ramona has gone through seven other boy friends who turned evil once she left them and they are there to stop Scott from going out with Ramona.  He must fight them all and win Ramona as his prize.   But really is she that cool that he has to fight seven crazy guys? Though without this i suppose the movie would have no plot and would have probably sucked lol.  The funny part to this is that each of the boy friends has some crazy power.  There powers i find to be really funny because they are based off of the situations that they where friends with Ramona.  The first guy is basically a real life warlock.  I mean like really scott fights him but how does he gain all the crazy attack and speed powers that he just jumps around like he does?  I wish when i got into situations like that i could do that kinda stuff.  Yet at the same time this i guess is why people wana see movies likes this.  In each fight Scott seems to beat the other guy until the final battle, but ill get to that later.  As scott journeys on though the story just gets more epic and  dangerous for him.  Another of the boy friends is a vegiterian and he has Vegan powers because of this.  Maybe this is why people dont eat meat... they hope to somehow gain crazy mind powers lol.  This to is an over exageration of him eating so many vegitables that his eyes got the power to do things like move objects.  This is where alot of comic addition is put into the movie.  They add alot of stuff into the fight scenes when they hit someone a random sound appears on the screen like crash! or pow!  As you get further into the movie you learn more and more about Scott's and Ramona's lives.  In my opinion Scott probably shoulda got out of there once he learned that Ramona was probably going to leave him and that he would have to fight six more people to the death.  We find out the root of Scott's problems, his ex...  not a surprise ex's are never good lol.  They always seem to make good situations bad being as they left you or you left them for a reason.  Usually a reason that makes yo not want to talk to ot see them.   Not surprisingly she wants to cause trouble for Scott what a fruit.  She wanted him back only to stop his new relationship with Ramona.  This creates further draa for Scott, what a  surprise.  Ramona being noisy finds this out and decides to run away.  I must say people in the movies make some real dick choices, which do further on the plot but they are annoying.  This though annoying does keep my attention a lot because it made me want to see what happened to that chick.  Definately a movie id go see. That is if you are into video game humor because that is a large part of the movie is them adding in super powers + crazy narated fights.  Even knowing the story line of the movie or what is gonig to happen doesnt ruin this one because The true comedy in this is from what you see.  There is however a little comedy when people talk too.  There isnt as the physical comedy though.  This is what gives this movie its edge is the comedy that is played out in the fighting and the relationship between Ramona and Scott.  They go through some really tough times to figure out a really simple thing.
The thing is though adding comic things into a movie is usually a dumb idea, however this movie uses them to their full potential and makes it so that a person can laugh and not wonder why are they donig that its so dumb.  They are slowly introduced into the movie after Scott plays the ninja game and then they are pretty much there each scene for most of the time.  They are VERY funny, but that is to my eye lol.  For you to find them funny you probably would have needed to play video games and liked them or something to that resemblance.  Although the movie is generally just very funny you might not even have to like video games you might enjoy alot of teh situational irony that pops up in the story.like Scott losing when he has the love sword but winning when he has the othre one.
Tihs movie is a pretty good on in my book so id have to say thats a wrap for now on tihs movie unless people comment more on it.

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